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Raysov PTS series high frequency constant pressure ray machine (with rack carriage)

Published time:2023-02-24
A popular brand of high-frequency X-ray machines in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT)!
Over 150 NDT machines installed annually in China!
In stock, fast repair, and guaranteed customer downtime of up to 72 hours!
High versatility and modular design, built-in various tube type program, one key adjustment can complete the old high voltage generator upgrade!
High pressure oil insulation for easy maintenance and repair!
Inheriting the rigorous manufacturing standards of the Raysov brand, the PTS series of high-frequency x-ray machines offer customers a maximum of 4500W continuous operation x-ray machine with a selection of high-quality metal-ceramic ray tubes matched with Power Tree high-voltage power supplies and cooling products. It provides stable X-ray sources for NDT, industrial CT, biological irradiation, thickness measurement, scientific research and other applications.
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